Blog Sensible Osteopathy

Getting your baby used to tummy time – Part 2

Getting your baby used to tummy time – Part 2

How can I make tummy time easier for my baby? There are various ways you … 
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Getting your baby used to tummy time – Part 2

Getting your baby used to tummy time – Part 1

Parents are often told how important it is for their babies to spend time on … 
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Osteopathy in Berlin Charlottenburg

Saturday osteopathic appointments now available at Sensible Osteopathy!

We are thrilled to announce that from the 16th of September 2017 our new colleague Marco Bischof (UK trained Osteopath) is offering Saturday osteopathic appointments at our practice. … 
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Co-Sleeping: An anthroposophical insight.

Babies who sleep with their mothers (co-sleeping): An anthroposophical insight

As McKenna points out in comparison with other primate mammals, human babies are the most … 
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Avoid cuts of subsidies by your public health insurance!

Avoid cuts of subsidies by your public health insurance!

Change insurer before 31 January 2015! … 
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